Fresh-Baked Daily
Master baker Fiona is up at dawn to get the day’s orders started and oversee our six outdoor double ovens. We also offer local cheeses, preserves, and charcuterie for sale. Grab a picnic your picnic to go and enjoy your feast in the warm Okanagan sun while gazing on lush vineyards. You can also pack up your bounty to enjoy wherever your travels take you. Contact us or drop in for a special tasting with paired bread courses for the full Platinum Bench experience!
The Master Baker
Back in Winnipeg, Fiona worked a high-stress, fast-paced corporate job. Though the work was fulfilling, she needed a creative outlet to help her relax. Fiona developed her own personal stress management program, which was to hop on a plane with Murray and fly down to San Francisco. There, Fiona took week-long courses at the San Francisco Baking Institute, where she’d spend the week beating up on bread to get her aggressions out. Then Murray and Fiona would tour Napa Valley and the San Francisco area in search of a bottle of wine to eat with Fiona’s creations.
When the dream of Platinum Bench became a reality, Fiona decided to start an on-site bakery and put her Master Baking skills to good use. She decided on sourdough and perfected the starter and flavour combinations. Fiona oversees six double ovens in their “outdoor bakery,” where five other bakers work with her to create daily fresh-baked loaves.
While Fiona bakes, Murray loves to guide visitors through a wine tasting paired with fragrant artisan Epi loaves. Drop-in and say hello or book your outdoor wine and bread tasting for a unique experience that’s 100% Okanagan.
Double Cream Brie and Pear Preserves Epi
Pair with:
Pinot Gris or Mur-Fi White
Tasting notes:
The fresh crisp acids and orchard fruit notes of the wines make for a perfect pairing to the rich creamy brie and fresh pear notes.
Sopressata and Swiss Cheese Epi
Pair with:
Gamay Noir or Merlot
Tasting notes:
The Epi pairs beautifully with big fruit forward red wines. The salt of the meat and cheese with the black pepper accents, accentuate the fruit of the wine.
Gorgonzola and Fig Preserve Epi
Pair with:
Cabernet Sauvignon or Mur-Fi’s Red
Tasting notes:
The Epi pairs beautifully with full body red wines. The natural tannins of the wines balance off the richness of the fruit and cheese of the bread.
Asiago Cheese Epi
Pair with:
Merlot or Cabernet Franc
Tasting notes:
The full fruit notes and light to medium body of the wines, make for a perfect pairing to the Epi. The saltiness of the cheese enhances the forward fruits of the wines.
Chocolate Strawberry Balsamic Epi
Pair with:
Any of our big reds!
Tasting notes:
The silky rich Chocolate & Strawberry Balsamic Epi swirls and balances with red fruit of these full body wines.